I just can't stop right now over at Etsy. I just can't. I have so much to do but there is just too much goodness over there. I mean, look at the numbers on this alarm clock!...
And this awesome hemosporidiae chart:
And this perfect little geometric clutch:
It's really amazing that you really can get whatever your heart desires. Anything you want. If it's not already made, someone will make it for you. If it's not already found, someone will find it for you. It's crazy. People are amazing.
Just a few things that I've been working on that are up in the store now! Yay!
I'm still experimenting with the photography and although this sort of looks noir-ish and cool and is great for black and white, it doesn't show the colors very well. So I'll load the other ones up as soon as I can find my camera charger in my still unpacked suitcase from my sister's wedding.
Probably not as good as this butter coupon but still, pretty good.
Sorry for the looong absence. I haven't been doing much promotional work and I apologize if anyone has been sent to my empty(!) etsy store. With my sister's wedding last month, any extra work outside of that was basically swept to the wayside for the past 4 months. It paid off and we had a great time in Philadelphia. I still can't believe my sister is MARRIED! I guess she'll always be my little sister in my eyes, not somebody's wife, as much as I love the guy. So now that I've had some time to recover, it's back to work for the holidays! I'm working on some new holiday cards, including some Chrismukkah cards. I can't wait to show you!
Until then, I'll leave you with some pictures of the invite suite that I created for Jasmina and Andrew. See you soon!